
4 results for "%20hashtag"


What is the difference between a Business and a Personal account?

adminApril 18, 2023
Overview Business Account Personal Account Show posts and reels from your own Instagram account Yes Yes Filter post by hashtags Yes No Show post from public accounts Yes No Show your account profile picture Yes No Show collaboration post Yes No In summary, choosing between a Business and a Personal account on the VIBE Shoppable […]...

VIBE Pricing

adminApril 18, 2023
Number of feeds used to show posts from Public account hashtag...

Instagram Feed

adminApril 18, 2023
Post Source: Select posts originating from ‘My Account’ or ‘Public Account Hashtag’....

How to create Instagram feed

adminApril 17, 2023
Please note that, if you connect to your Business account, you can have the additional feature of filtering posts by hashtag while Personal account can not....

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