Instagram Feed

In this article, you will learn how to settings for VIBE Instagram feed.

Access To Instagram FeedClick to copy

Go to VIBE dashboard > Instagram Feed > click Add Instagram feed > start editing Instagram feed

Note: You need to connect your Instagram account to create an Instagram feed on VIBE. See the details here

add vibe instagram feed

Feed ListingClick to copy

All the feeds will be displayed in the feed listing when you save them.

feed listing

  • Title: Displayed the title of the feed.
  • Status: Show status of the feed (‘Active’ or ‘Draft’).
  • Feed ID: Use this ID to integrate the feed into the theme editor or a page builder app.
  • Auto-sync: Show auto-sync function of the feed (‘On’ or ‘Off’).
  • Filters: Organize and save your filters for future use. You can filter posts by:
    • Post Source: Select posts originating from ‘My Account’ or ‘Public Account Hashtag’.
    • Status: Filter posts by their current status, choosing either ‘Active’ or ‘Draft’.
    • Auto-sync: Filter posts based on their auto-sync status.

You can also use Bulk Action feature to set active/ draft, update the data or delete the feeds.

bulk action

Instagram Feed ConfigurationClick to copy

When you create your Instagram feed, you need to set up for these configurations:

Feed title: It is required to put a feed title. feed title
Feed status

There are options you can set for the feed status:

  • Active: The user can choose the feed for the app block and display the feed on store pages
  • Draft: The user can still set up this source, but the feed will not be selected or displayed on app block on Shopify pages that use this feed
feed status
Feed ID

You need to use Feed ID to add your VIBE Instagram Feed to theme editor or page builder.

feed ID
Post source

You can choose an Instagram account to show on your feeds here.

Note: You can connect multiple Instagram accounts in Instagram connection Preference but can only select one to display.

There are 2 options you can use for Product source:

  • My account: The feed content is directly obtained from the connected account, which you can manage from Instagram Connections page.
  • Public Account hashtags: The feed content is obtained from public accounts by retrieving posts from public hashtags. Hashtags or excluded hashtags are used to filter the feed, and logging business accounts is required. Users can further filter unwanted posts by using excluded hashtags in the post source.

Note: If you are on Lite VIBE plan, the option Public Account Hashtags will be disabled by default. You can see details about VIBE plan here
post sourcePost source
Instagram Account

There are 2 options of account:

  • Personal account: When selecting My account > Personal account, users can only retrieve posts from their own account and do not have the Filter post by hashtag feature
  • Business account: When selecting My account > Business account, users can retrieve posts from their own account and have the additional feature of filtering posts by hashtag
Instagram account
Filter posts by hashtags

If you connect to your Business account, you can have the additional feature of filtering posts by hashtag while Personal account can not.

post hashtag
Posts to use

The number of posts to use is set as 9 by default. The maximum number of posts you can use is 150.

post to use
Show only posts with relevant tagged products on product pages

It automatically filters out posts containing tagged products that correspond to the product page

show relevant products
Auto-update recent posts

If you turn this on, your posts from the chosen source will update by themselves on your store’s live feed. How often they update depends on your VIBE plan.

When unchecked, posts from the Post source will not update on the live feed but will only follow the source at the time of clicking ‘Update data‘.

auto update feeds

How To Tag A Product?Click to copy

You can tag a product in order to help your customers make a purchase right on the feed:

  • Step 1: Hover on the image and click on Tag product.
  • Step 2: A Tag product modal will appear and you can choose the products from the product list.

tag product

How To Pin To Top Or Hide A PostClick to copy

In Instagram posts, you can pin a post on top of the feed or choose to show or hide the post on the feed.

  • Pin a Post: Hover over the post you want to pin and click the pin icon. The post will move to the top of the feed.

pin a post

  • Hide a Post: Hover over the post you want to hide and click the eye icon. The post will be hidden from the feed, but you can still see it in your own account.

hide a post

How To Install An Instagram Feed To Your Store?Click to copy

You can see the instructions on how to install Instagram feed to your Shopify store.

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