How to create subscription plans for your products

Once you installed the EverFlow app, it’s time to create your subscription plans to start selling recurring products and services to your customers! In this article, we will guide you through all steps to create a subscription plan on EverFlow. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Access Subscription PlansClick to copy

From the EverFlow dashboard, click on “Subscription Plans” on the left menu bar to access Subscriptions Plans. You can see all created subscription plans here.

Step 2: Click “Create subscription plan” ButtonClick to copy

After accessing the Subscription plans, click on the “Create subscription plan” button to start the journey.

Step 3: Named For The Subscription Plan And Choose The Status For ItClick to copy

At the top of the subscription plan editor, you’ll find a “Subscription plan name” placeholder and a “Subscription plan description” placeholder.

Subscription Plan Name And DescriptionClick to copy

  • The title and description will not show for your customers on the live page.
  • It is limited to 250 characters.

Subscription Plan StatusClick to copy

There are 2 statuses for the Subscription Plan:

  • Active: The subscription plan will be ready to be used on the live page immediately after creation
  • Draft: The subscription plan will be saved as a draft and can be activated later

Step 4: Choose Products which the subscription will apply toClick to copy

Here, you’ll select the products and decide which products the subscription plan applies to.

From the Products, you can search the product’s name on the search bar to select the products.

Or you can choose the “Browse” option to select the products. You can select multiple products for your subscription plan.

Step 5: Click “Add Selling Plan” ButtonClick to copy

Click on the “Add Selling Plan” button to add a selling plan.

Next, you can add more details for the selling plan by adding “Plan label”, “Description”, “Delivery interval”, “Billing interval“, “Discount amount” placeholder. There are 4 details for you to setup your selling plan:

  • Plan label: You input the title of the selling plans.

  • Description

  • Delivery Interval: There are 4 options for the Delivery Interval which are week(s), Day(s), Month(s), Year(s)

  • Billing interval

  • Discount Amount: There are 3 options for the Discount amount which are Percentage off (%), Flat rate ($), Fixed amount ($)

After selecting, you click “Create” to create the selling plans.

Step 6: Save The Subscription PlanClick to copy

Finally, once you select all needed information, click the “Save” button to save.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. Can I select multiple products for the created subscription plan?

Yes, you can assign multiple products to one subscription plan, and the subscription selling options will be displayed on the product page of all these products.

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