VIBE frequently asked questions

OverviewClick to copy

Welcome to the FAQ category of the VIBE Help Center. Here, we address common questions and concerns related to using VIBE, the app that seamlessly integrates Instagram feeds into your Shopify store, enabling you to showcase your products in a dynamic and interactive way while leveraging social proof. This category provides valuable information to help you navigate various scenarios and ensure a smooth experience with VIBE.

By exploring the FAQ category, you’ll gain valuable insights and answers to common queries, empowering you to make the most of VIBE’s powerful features and seamlessly integrate Instagram feeds into your Shopify store.

If you need additional help or support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can send a message through our live chat bubble located at the bottom left of the screen. Alternatively, you can email us at or leave a message on our ‘Contact Us‘ page. For the quickest response, we recommend using the live chat.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. Is Vibe Free?Click to copy

Yes, we’re 100% free. Our pricing plans may change in the future. However, as long as you keep VIBE installed, you’ll retain free access to everything. Check VIBE pricing plan here.

2. How Do I Get The Feed Id?Click to copy

You can get the feed ID in several ways. Choose the option that works best for you.

Option 1: In The Feed ListingClick to copy

  • Step 1: In the Feed listing, hover on the feed that you want to get the feed ID
  • Step 2: Click on the icon next to the feed ID to copy it

get feed ID

Option 2: In The Feed SettingsClick to copy

  • Step 1: In the Feed listing, click on the feed that you want to get the feed ID
  • Step 2: In the Feed settings, scroll down to feed ID
  • Step 3: Click on the clipboard icon next to the feed ID to copy it

copy feed ID in feed editing

Option 3: In The Install Feed ModalClick to copy

  • Step 1: In the Feed listing, click on the feed that you want to get the feed ID
  • Step 2: In the Feed settings, click on the “Install feed” button on the top right

click install feed button

  • Step 3: In Install feed modal, click on the clipboard icon next to the Feed ID to copy it

copy feed ID in install feed modal

3. Why Can’t I See Tagged Products On My Instagram Page? I Tagged Products In Vibe App.Click to copy

VIBE helps you to create Instagram feeds with tagged products, you then can add the feeds on your Shopify store. The app only works within Shopify, it doesn’t help you add products to your Instagram page.

4. How Do I Get Posts From My Instagram Account?Click to copy

You need to make sure that you have connected VIBE with your Instagram personal account. Check the connection by accessing the Preferences > Instagram connections.

instagram connection

After that, go to Instagram feeds > Add Instagram feed > Select the account and click the “Add post” button. Remember to hit the “Save” button to save the feed.

add feed

5. How Do I Tag Products In Posts?Click to copy

To tag the products into a post, you just need to follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: In Feed settings > hover on the post you want to tag products > Click on the “Tag products” button
  • Step 2: Click anywhere on the image to start adding products
  • Step 3: Search and select the product you want to add. You can add more products for your needs
  • Step 4: Hit “Close” button to close the popup
  • Step 5: Click “Save” to save and apply the changes in liveview.

tag product in a post

6. How Do I Add The Feed In My Store?Click to copy

For Store Using Theme Os 2.0Click to copy

You will need to copy the feed ID > Add VIBE app block into the theme editor > Paste the feed ID to show the feed in your store. Check on this article for full details of how to add VIBE feeds in your OS 2.0 theme.

For Vintage Themes And All Page BuildersClick to copy

You will need to copy the embedded code of the feed > paste on the theme’s “index.liquid” file (with vintage theme) or paste in the HTML/liquid element of your page builder app. Read more about the progress of how to add VIBE feeds in your vintage theme or in your page builder app here.

For PageFly UsersClick to copy

You can use VIBE feed directly on the PageFly editor since VIBE is already integrated with PageFly. Check here for full details of how to use VIBE feeds on your PageFly pages.

7. Why Do My Reels Sometimes Don’t Autoplay?Click to copy

Web browsers are moving towards stricter autoplay policies to improve user experience, which is out of our control. Below are the autoplay policies of different browsers:

    • Muted autoplay videos are allowed
    • Autoplay with sound is allowed if: the user has interacted with the site; on desktop, if they have previously played a video with sound on the site, or; on mobile, if the user has added the site to their home screen.
    • Muted autoplay videos are allowed
    • Muted videos will not play if they are no longer on screen
  • Autoplay Policies in Microsoft Edge

This can be enabled/disabled by the user. Go to Settings > “…” > Settings > Cookies & Site Permissions – Find Media Autoplay – Restrictions > “Control whether audio and video on websites are automatically played”:

  • Autoplay Policies for Mobile Devices

Whether a video will auto-play on mobile depends on the device on which the page is being viewed. Most mobile browsers disable video autoplay to preserve bandwidth & battery and to prevent performance issues.

8. How Do I Hide The Plus Icon At The Bottom Of The Feed?Click to copy

For Store Using Theme Os 2.0Click to copy

You can hide the plus icon by unchecking the “Show “load more” button” option in the Theme Customize > VIBE feed block:

show load more button

For Store Using Vintage Theme Or Page Builders:Click to copy

You can hide it by unchecking the “Show “Load more” button” option in the Instagram feed > Feed settings > “Install feed” button > For vintage theme and page builders:

show load more button in install feed modal

For PageFly UsersClick to copy

You can hide it by selecting None in Loading more in the Page editor > VIBE Instagram feed element > General tab:

use vibe in pagefly

9. Can I Connect Vibe With My Instagram Business Account?Click to copy

Yes, you can connect your business Instagram account as long as you’re logged in to this account on your browser. You can follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Access Instagram website and log in your Instagram account on your browser
  • Step 2: Go to Shopify admin > Apps > VIBE Instagram Feed > Preferences > Instagram Connections

vibe instagram connection

  • Step 3: Click on “Add personal account” button

add personal account

  • Step 4: Hit “Allow” button to accept VIBE to connect with your account

allow vibe to take data

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