What happen if I uninstall

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There are 2 ways you can uninstall the VIBE app.

From Shopify AdminClick to copy

  • In Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels.
  • Find the app and click Uninstall.

uninstall from Shopify admin

  • The app block added in the theme will be removed and also the feeds on the storefront. If you reinstall the app during 24 hours after uninstalling, it will be auto added.
  • All the data (Instagram accounts, feeds) will be stored for 24 hours after uninstalling the app.
  • All the data above will be recovered if you reinstall the app within 24 hours of uninstalling it, otherwise, it will be permanently deleted.

From VIBE appClick to copy

  • In the VIBE app, go to Preferences > Account
  • Scroll down to the App uninstallation, click on the Uninstall

uninstall from VIBE app

  • There will be a message asking if you need any help with a 24/7 Live Chat button.

access VIBE Livechat before uninstall

  • Please read this part carefully before going through the next step.

uninstall VIBE important notes

  • To finalize the uninstall process, you will need to head back to Settings > Preferences from Shopify Admin, then click on the Uninstall.

  • All the data will be removed permanently. You will need to set up from scratch when reinstalling the app.
  • The app block added in the theme will be removed and also the feeds on the storefront.

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