Products page

About TailorKit Product PageClick to copy

TailorKit’s product page simply allows you to choose the products which you want to integrate your TailorKit template to.

In this article:

  • Accessing TailorKit’s Product page
  • What is on TailorKit’s Product page?
  • What to do after choosing a desired product?
  • Frequently asked questions

How To Accessing TailorKit Product PageClick to copy

On the TailorKit’s Dashboard, click on Products to access the Product page.

What Is On TailorKit Product Page?Click to copy

On this page, you can:

Find A Desired ProductsClick to copy

On the right corner, there is a search icon you can click on to find your products

Moreover, to better improve your searching process, you can filter the products through the following step:

Click on the search icon > Add filter > Product status > Choose the status of the products you want to filter out (Active/ Draft/ Archived) or enter the product name in the search field.

You can also sort the products by clicking the sort icon next to the search icon, you can sort your products by:

  • Day created
  • Product title
  • Status
  • Vendor
  • Category
  • Source
  • Ascending
  • Descending

Please note: For products that have already been added with a template, you can choose the options of Change template or View on store

Create New View FormatClick to copy

If you want to create a separate view to group your products regarding their status, click on the “Create view” button.

After clicking on the button, you need to name your new view then choose “Create view”.

To categorize the products you want to add to your new view. Simply click on the search icon > Add filter > Product status > Choose the status of the products you want to filter out (Active/ Draft/ Archived) and then hit “Save

What To Do After Choosing A Desired Product?Click to copy

After you have chosen a product you want to integrate your template to, click on the Add template button to start the integrating process.

After clicking the Add template button, you will be taken to another screen to begin the integrating process, for more detailed information and guidelines about the process, please refer to our manual of How to integrate template with product.

Frequently Asked QuestionClick to copy

1. What do I need to prepare in order to add a template to my products?

In order to add a template to your products, first of all, you will need to create a template so that it will be available for you to add to your products. For more informations on how to create a template, please refer to our manual of How to create template

2. How many products can I choose to add my template to each time?

Right now, you can add your template to 1 product at a time. This is better than working on multiple products at a time because it allows you to direct your full attention to one product for better customization before you move on to another product.

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