How to use OneTick product offer on your theme

OverviewClick to copy

The OneTick Product Offer function is a handy tool for Shopify store owners. It lets you create targeted product recommendations that appear directly below a customer’s cart items.

Within the app, you can create a variety of offers using two methods: Shopify AI Recommendations or Manual Conditions.

To get the most out of OneTick Product Offer, it’s important to follow some best practices. In this article, we will cover:

RequirementsClick to copy

Before displaying the OneTick Product Offer on your Shopify store, it’s essential to meet certain requirements and complete preliminary steps. This preparation will streamline the integration process and set the stage for effective use of the feature in active form:

  • The product offer must be in an “Active” state to be visible in the live view.
  • When selecting the Manual option for product recommendations, ensure at least one condition is “enabled”.

How To Use OneTick Product Offers On Your ThemeClick to copy

Integrating OneTick Product Offers into your Shopify theme can significantly enhance your store’s promotional capabilities. Here’s a concise step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Enable “OneTick Upsell Cross Sell” In Theme EditorClick to copy

Enable “OneTick Upsell Cross Sell” in your theme editor under App embeds for the best functionality.

Important: The OneTick app’s functions won’t be visible in the live view unless you activate the app within the theme editor.

Step 2: Set “Active” Status Of The Product OfferClick to copy

Ensure that the product offer is set to “Active” so it can be displayed and utilized correctly on your storefront.

Step 3: Access Theme CustomizationClick to copy

Navigate to your theme customization settings to begin integrating the product offers.

Step 4: Add Product Offers On The BlockClick to copy

First, click Add Block. Then, go to Apps and select Product Offers.

Step 5: Click SaveClick to copy

After adding the product offers, make sure to click “Save” to apply the changes to your theme.

Common CasesClick to copy

Moving forward, it’s important to consider some common scenarios that may occur when using:

  • Automatic vs. Manual: Merchants have the flexibility to choose between automatic recommendation by Shopify AI or manual setup with specific conditions. For manual configuration, they can create up to 20 conditions to tailor offer visibility based on cart content.
  • Offer Activation and Visibility: The product offer is set to an “Active” state to ensure it appears on the live view of the Cart page. This ensures that only offers ready for promotion are displayed to customers.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. What should I do if my product offer is not displaying on the Cart page?

You need to ensure that the product offer is set to an “Active” state within the OneTick app settings and the OneTick app has been enabled in the Theme editor > App Embed.

2. How can I style the appearance of the product offer in my cart?

You can manage the styling of the product offer by clicking on “Manage styling” within the OneTick app. This allows you to customize the look and feel of the offer to align with your brand’s design preferences.

3. Can I track the performance of product offers using OneTick?

Yes, OneTick can help you track how many sales you get from product offers using built-in analytics.

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