OneTick Checkbox Listing

About OneTick CheckboxesClick to copy

The OneTick Checkboxes is a central hub where you can create and manage all the checkboxes. In this article, we will guide you:

Access OneTick CheckboxesClick to copy

On the OneTick Dashboard, choose the Checkboxes section.

Create CheckboxesClick to copy

You can create a new checkbox by clicking on the Create checkbox button on the top right.

For further details, please check out the “How to create checkbox” article.

List Of CheckboxesClick to copy

You can see a detailed list of all your existing checkboxes. This list typically displays:

  • Name: Easily identify each checkbox by its assigned name.
  • Status: Stay informed about the current status of your checkboxes.
  • Trigger products: Quickly see how many products each checkbox is associated with.
  • Last updated: Display last edited time.

Customize StylingClick to copy

From the Checkboxes section, you can manage styling of all checkboxes created by changing the checkbox type, color for icon, checkbox and checkbox items. This will help you to customize all checkboxes created.

  • Checkbox type: You can select Square, Round or Rounded Corner.
  • Icon color: You can select the color of the checkbox’s check mark.
  • Checkbox: You can select color for the checkbox’s background and border.
  • Checkbox item: You can select the color of the checkbox item’s background and border.

Note: With Checkbox and Checkbox item, you can set the Active state and Inactive state for the background and border color.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

Can I Edit An Existing Checkbox On OneTick?

Yes, you can typically edit most aspects of an existing checkbox, such as its trigger products, add-on product, heading, description, image, type, and color.

Related ResourcesClick to copy

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