OneTick Dashboard

About OneTick DashboardClick to copy

The OneTick Dashboard is a central hub for monitoring and managing your checkboxes. You can access the analytics dashboard, support channels, create and customize the checkboxes, and stay informed about OneTick’s latest updates.

Access The OneTick DashboardClick to copy

After installing the OneTick app, navigate to the app section in the left sidebar menu. Click on the dropdown menu to view your installed apps, then select OneTick Upsell Cross Sell.

access onetick upsell cross sell

What Is On The OneTick DashboardClick to copy

Built-in AnalyticsClick to copy

This section provides a detailed view of your total attributed sales. You can look at total attributed sales from a certain time or compare sales to another time by choosing dates.

built-in analytics

Advanced AnalyticsClick to copy

After you have enabled your Analytics Feature, you can also choose the option of Enable advanced analytics for OneTick. This allows you to better track your upsell performance. For more detailed informations, please refer to our manual of Onetick Analytics.

enable analytics

Support ChannelsClick to copy

OneTick offers you:

  • Chat Support: Enjoy personalized support! Our team will respond as soon as they are online, available from 8 AM-12PM and 2PM-6 PM Monday to Friday (GMT+7).
  • Help Center: Discover solutions through our comprehensive guides.

support channels

What’s NewClick to copy

You can see the latest OneTick version here with the corresponding time of release.

OneTick lastest version news

If you want to see all the previous versions with the corresponding released time, new changes, and fixed problems, then click the View full changelog option.

Request Feature For OneTickClick to copy

If you feel that there is a feature that should be improved or added to OneTick, please click on the “Request feature for OneTick” to submit your request and we will be more than happy to review it and get back to you with the appropriate answer.

request onetick feature

After clicking on the button, you can click “Submit your request” to continue the submission.

submit request

The button will take you to a .doc form called “OneTick Feature Request”. From there, you can fill out the form to tell us more about your requests and we will respond as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. Does OneTick have chat support?

Yes, just click on the chat bubble to begin personalized support with our team.

2. How do I view sales from my checkboxes?

Go to the OneTick Dashboard. Your total sales are displayed at the top. Choose a date range to see your sales.

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