Account settings

The VIBE Account page lets you manage your subscription, data privacy, and app uninstallation settings.

To access Account Settings, you need to access VIBE app > Preference > Account.

VIBE account settings

Account StatusClick to copy

You can check all the information of your account, your VIBE plan and Current Billing here.

VIBE account status

Data PrivacyClick to copy

In Data privacy, you are able to set up cookies you want VIBE to use.

Click on the “Manage cookie” button to open the setting modal.

VIBE data privacy

App UninstallationClick to copy

In this section, you can choose to uninstall VIBE and data of the app.

Click on Uninstall VIBE button to open the uninstall modal.

Check this article to find more information and installation flow and notes.

VIBE uninstall

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