Instagram Connections

OverviewClick to copy

In VIBE Instagram Connections tab, you can manage Facebook business and Instagram personal account that have been connected to your VIBE account.

VIBE supports both Facebook Business and Instagram Personal accounts.

The number of accounts you can connect depends on the pricing plan you are currently using.

The Business Facebook Account is strongly recommended for optimal use with VIBE. By utilizing this account type, you’ll benefit from increased stability and gain access to additional features. To better understand the distinctions between Business and Personal Facebook Accounts, please refer to our comprehensive comparison article.

VIBE Instagram connection

NOTE: After connecting to your Facebook or Instagram account, VIBE can access all information (including non-public data) on these accounts. For personal accounts, data will be displayed on your store for 60 days, and for business accounts, for 90 days. It is mandatory to reconnect after these periods to ensure full content display.

After your account connection has expired, if you wish to display posts, you will need to reconnect your accounts to continue using them with VIBE. This is based on Facebook and Instagram policy.

We will send two email reminders before the expiration date (3 days and 12 hours prior) to ensure you remember to refresh your account.

How To ConnectClick to copy

Facebook Business AccountsClick to copy

To connect your Instagram business account, you need to connect it via Facebook business account, click on Add account and start to login Facebook business account.

Please note that your Instagram account must be linked to a Facebook page following this guide.

VIBE facebook business account

Afterward, you need to select the IG account and FB page you wish to link for using VIBE.

connect instagram account

After connecting, you can see the status: Active or Expired and the time left so you can check what time you will need to reconnect the account.

instagram account connected to VIBE

To refresh the connection, hit Refresh.

Refresh connection

If you don’t want to connect with this account anymore, click on Disconnect.

Please keep in mind that if you disconnect the account, all feeds using this account as their source will appear empty.

remove connection

Instagram Personal AccountsClick to copy

If your Instagram account isn’t linked to a Facebook business page, you can still connect it to VIBE. Simply click “Add personal account” and log in through the Instagram portal (

Instagram connection

Ensure you grant us access to your Content to retrieve your Instagram data.

Instagram portal

Same with Facebook Business accounts, you can check the connection status after connecting.

VIBE connected to Instagram

You also can refresh the connection to the account by hitting the Refresh button or click on Disconnect to remove the connection.

  • The connection will need to be refreshed every 60 days.
  • If you disconnect the account, all feeds using this account as their source will appear empty.

VIBE instagram connected

Frequently Asked QuestionsClick to copy

1. What happens if I remove VIBE from Facebook / Instagram integrations?

If you remove VIBE from Facebook or Instagram integrations, all images/reels may malfunction after a few days.

2. What happens if the account connection expires?

According to Facebook policy, the access will expire after 90 days for business account and 60 days for personal account. After expiration, the feed will no longer function and will not display content.

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